177 birds of Ruboni village

Here is the bird list for Ruboni village. it covers the Rwanzori Mountains central circuit that starts at Mihunga gate.

  1. Abyssinian thrush.
  2. Bronze sun bird.
  3. African wood owl.
  4. Brown backed scrub robin.
  5. African Dysicky fly catcher.
  6. Brown chested alethe.
  7. African emeraled cuckoo.
  8. Brown crowned Tchagra.
  9. African grey hornbill.
  10. Brown throated wattle eye
  11. African hill-barbler.
  12. Buff throated apalis.
  13. African Long-eared Owl,
  14. Cape robin chat.
  15. African pied wegtail.
  16. Cape wagtail.
  17. African scops owl.
  18. Cassin’s honey guide.
  19. African shrike flycatcher.
  20. Chestnut apalis.
  21. African stonechat.
  22. Chestnut wattle eye.
  23. African thrush.
  24. Chinspot batis.
  25. African yellow warbler.
  26. Chubbs cisticola.
  27. Angola swallow.
  28. Cinnamon Bracken,
  29. Apalises, crimsonwings
  30. Cinnamon chested bee eater.
  31. Archer’s robinchat,
  32. Creaking cisticola.
  33. Archer’s Robin chat.
  34. Crowned hornbill.
  35. Barbets, 62 Diderec cuckoo.
  36. Bare faced go away bird.
  37. Dusky Cromsomwing,
  38. Barn swallow.
  39. Eastern black headed Oriole.
  40. Barred long tailed cuckoo,
  41. Eastern grey plantain eater.
  42. Black and White casqued hornbill.
  43. Evergreen Forest Warblers,
  44. Black billed Turaco.
  45. Fan tailed grass bird.
  46. Black crowned Tchagra.
  47. Forest Wabler,
  48. Black crowned waxbill.
  49. Freckled nightjar.
  50. Black faced apalis.
  51. Golden winged sunbird,
  52. Black faced rofus wobbler.
  53. Gray-chested Illadopsis,
  54. Black faced rufous warbler.
  55. Gray-winged Robin,
  56. Black headed Heron.
  57. Greater swamp warbler.
  58. Black headed Paradise fly catcher.
  59. Green headed sunbird.
  60. Black headed waxbill.
  61. Green pigeon.
  62. Black headed Weaver.
  63. Green wood hoopoe
  64. Black necked Weaver.
  65. Greenbuls
  66. Black saw-wing.
  67. Grey backed camaroptera.
  68. Black throated apalis.
  69. Grey caped warbler.
  70. Blue fly catcher.
  71. Grey headed sparrow.
  72. Blue headed cucal.
  73. Grey rumped swallow.
  74. Blue headed sunbird.
  75. Handsome francolin,
  76. Blue shouldered robin chat.
  77. Honeyguide greenbul.
  78. Blue throated sunbird.
  79. Jameson’s wattle eye.
  80. Blueheaded Rwenzori double-collared,
  81. Joyful greenbul.
  82. Bocages bushshrike.
  83. Klaas’s cuckoo.
  84. Boubou,
  85. Lagden’s bush shrike,
  86. Bronze manikin.
  87. Lammergeiers,
  88. Lesser honeyguide.
  89. Red-throated Alethe,
  90. Lesser striped swallow.
  91. Regal sunbird.
  92. Levaillant’s Cuckoo.
  93. Rufous naped Lark.
  94. Little green bull.
  95. Rwenzori apalis.
  96. Little swift.
  97. Rwenzori Batis,
  98. Long eared owl,
  99. Rwenzori Hill Babbler,
  100. Luhder:s bushshrike.
  101. Rwenzori Nightjar,
  102. Malachite,
  103. Rwenzori Turaco,
  104. Many coloured bushshrike.
  105. Scarlet-tufted malachite subbirds,
  106. Marina trogon.
  107. Shelley’s Cromsomwing.
  108. Marsh owl.
  109. Short eared owl.
  110. Marsh Tchagra.
  111. Slender billed starling,
  112. Montane Masked apalis,
  113. Snowy crowned robin chat.
  114. Montane sooty boubou,
  115. Speckled mouse bird.
  116. Montane-colored apalis,
  117. Speckled pigeon.
  118. Mottled swift.
  119. Spotted eagle owl.
  120. Mountain illadopsis,
  121. Stout cisticola.
  122. Mountain masked apalis.
  123. Strange weaver,
  124. Mountain Oriole.
  125. Strip breasted fit.
  126. Mountain Sooty,
  127. Stripe-breast Tit,
  128. Mountain wobbler.
  129. Tambourine dove.
  130. Mountain yellow warbler.
  131. Tiny-tufted,
  132. Moustached grass warbler.
  133. Toro olive green bull.
  134. Northern crombec.
  135. Western green Tinkerbird,
  136. Northern double collared sunbird.
  137. Western nicater.
  138. Olive pigeon.
  139. White bellied robin chat.
  140. Olive Woodpecker,
  141. White browed Robin chat.
  142. Orange breasted bushshrike.
  143. White browed scrub robin.
  144. Pale throated greenbul.
  145. White collared Olive-back,
  146. Papyrus yellow warbler.
  147. White headed saw-wing.
  148. 119 Paradise fly catcher.
  149. White rumped swift.
  150. Pettis cuckooshrike.
  151. White starred robin.
  152. Pin tailed whydah.
  153. White tailed ant-thrush.
  154. Plan green bull.
  155. Winding cisticola.
  156. Purple breasted sunbird.
  157. Wire tailed swallow.
  158. Purple throated cuckooshrike.
  159. Yellow apalis.
  160. Purple-breasted,
  161. Yellow eyed black flycatcher.
  162. Red belled marlimbe.
  163. Yellow Frontend canary.
  164. Red bellied o…
  165. Yellow rumped tinker bird.
  166. Red capped robin chat.
  167. Yellow throated apalis.
  168. 128 Red chested cuckoo.
  169. Yellow throated tinker bird.
  170. Red chested sunbird.
  171. Yellow vended bulbul.
  172. Red Eyed Dove.
  173. Yellow whiscared green bull.
  174. Red faced crombec.
  175. Yellow White Eye.
  176. Red tailed bristlebill.
  177. Zitting cisticola.