Accommodation, lodges, hotels in Queen Elizabeth national park

Here is a total of 28 accommodation facilities in queen Elizabeth national park. The list includes; hotels, lodges, campsites in all category and price ranges.

The accommodations that are situated inside the national park.

Jacana Safari Lodge: Located on the lake side in queen Elizabeth national park. Tel: +256 414 258273, +256 312 260758,,,

Ishasha Ntungwe River Camp: By river Ishasha of queen elizabeth national park. Mob: +256 772 602205, Email:

Ishasha Wilderness Camp: Over the banks of River Ishasha inside the park, Mob: +256 772 502155, Em:

Mweya Safari Lodge (UWA Concession): On the mweya peninsular overlooking Kazinga channel. Tel: +256 312 260260/1, +256 414 255992, Email:

Queen Elizabeth Safari Camp: Located on the Kyambura escarpment overlooking queen Elizabeth national park. Mobile: +256 070 305553, Email:

Ishasha Jungle Lodge: Located in Ishasha sector, Queen Elizabeth National Park. Tel: +256 414232754 Mob: +256 712385446,  Email:

Mweya Hostels and Cottages: Located next to Mweya safari lodge. Tel: +256 200 905 446, +256 782 387 805, Email:

These are the hotels and lodges you will find outside queen Elizabeth national park.

The Elephant Home: Located next to the park at Kikorongo village 22km on Kasese Mbarara road. Tel: +256 (0) 706581477 Mobile: +256 (0) 772657700, Email:

Ihamba Safari Lodge: Loocted at on the shores of lake George in queen Elizabeth national park.

TEL: +256-312 513 675, +256- 414 254 647, Email:,

Katara Lodge: Located in Kichwamba areas. Mobile: +256 773 011648, +256 712 zz812560, Email:

Bush Camp: Boadering the kazinga channel at katunguru, Tel: +256 312 294 894, +256 772 445 805, +256 772 370 263,  Email:

Hippo Hill Lodge: Located in the buffer of Queen Elizabeth National Park-next to Katwe kabatoro town council. Tel +256 31 2 277304 / 078-2-399 235 / 077-5-887258 Email:

Kingfisher Lodge Kichwamba: Located in Kichwamba areas overlooking queen Elizabeth national park.  Mob: +256 774 159579, +256 753 367980, Email:

Kyambura gorge lodge: Located next to kyambra gorge overlooking queen Elizabeth national park. Tel: +256 (0) 414 346 464    Mobile +256 772 741 720 Email:

Mazike valley Lodge: Located next to kyambura reserve, in Kichwamba areas next to queen Elizabeth national park. Tel: (256) 414 322789, Mobile: (256) 777 251093, Email:

The Baboon Safari Resort: Located outside the Queen Elizabeth National Park on Kyambura escapement Tel: +256 751 690 094, +256 775 418 485, Email:

Simba Safari Camp: Located on fort portal Mpondwe road, at Kikorongo overlooking the park. Tel: +256 414 267153, Mobile: +256 772 426368, Email:

Park View Safari Lodge Kyambura: On the escarpment on the outskirts of Queen Elizabeth national park, Tel: +256 392 178 731, +256752974500 Email:

Marafiki safari lodge: Located off fort portal Mpondwe road, at Kikorongo, overlooking queen Elizabeth national park. Tel: +256 (0) 775 941 189/ +256 (0) 784 056 831 Email:,

The observatory: Situated on the rift valley escarpment in Kichwamba area overlooking queen Elizabeth national park. Tel: +256-782-574-271, +256-701-563-437 email:

These are the accommodations outside the park in Kasese town and Rubirizi area.

Rwenzori International Hotel: Located in Kasese town. Tel: +256 483 444148, +256 702 933985, +256 772 462783, Email:

Nyanzibiri eco-community camp: Nyakasharu town, off Katunguru Mbarara road. Tel: +256 (0) 772863399 or +256 (0) 792863 399 Mobile: +256 (0) 772657700, Email:

Rwenzori The Gardens: Located in Kasese town. Tel: +256 772 466461, +256 702444655, Email:,

White House Hotel: Located in Kasese town off Kilembe road, Mobile: +256 782 536263

Sandton Hotel: Located in Kasese town on Rwenzori road. Tel: +256 701489055, +256 752963185, Email:

Virina Garden Hotel: In Kasese town, opposite Rwenzori square. Tel: +256 772 588161, +256 782 082861, +256 392 301264, Email:

Spring Resort Hotel: Kasese town, on Kilembe rod with great views of the entire town. Tel: + 256 718 219872, +256 701 338729, Email: