Rwenzori Homestay, an accommodation of choice on your trip to Rwenzori-Uganda.

Rwenzori Homestay is a perfect stay in the Ruwenzori foothills. It is suitable for all travelers looking for a good detail in their Rwenzori experience. It is one easy way to stay with the people and understanding the area beyond the high mountains and scenery.

With Rwenzori homestay, you won’t regret your choice. The stay showcases local life, the foods, the culture and livelihoods, the scenic views and the comfort of the local hospitality.

Yes, it is a simple and small home but has all you need for your stay, especially the comfort you need during the treks of the stunning hills and mountains. The home has a great garden with open views of the portal peaks to the west and other Rwenzori foothills on the north and south. On good whether, in the morning the sun points to the portal peaks giving you one of the best scenery. Sipping on your cup of fresh coffee while looking at this view is such an energizing moment.

View of the portal peaks

Besides, the coffee you take is farmed and proceed by the community around the homestay. This further makes the stay ideal if you want to support local initiatives and learning how people earn their living from tourism and agriculture.

With the stay at this homestay, you definitely get allot more than you would get in any other lodges around Ruboni village. The hospitality, information and above all, organizing all your trekking needs are all in abundance. The amenities at Rwenzori homestay are well kept to give you maximum comfort during your stay. If you refer to the past guest of Rwenzori homestay, you will realize that their views say it all. You can visit either Google maps or to discover this truth.

Felex, the Host at Rwenzori homestay is a senior citizen of Ruboni village. He has a lot to share during your stay. Felex has seen the two sides of Rubon village and Rwenzori Mountains; before Rwenzori Mountain National Park was starts and after the introduction of Community tourism. He will share with you the incites and changes that have occurred on the people and the environment in a span of 30 years. If you follow his works in tourism, conservation and community development, you will truly be inspired.

This home is located in an agricultural mountainous village. While you stay, you have high opportunities of meeting the people in their daily situation. When you want to do small shopping, you can go to the local trading centre. The centre has small shops and market stalls vending local fresh foods and other domestic goods. These small businesses are manly run by women. The evening is mainly busy. You will see women dressed in their best colorful attires and happily offering their sales services.

Like the rest of the village members, the home farms local foods such as bananas, coffee and vegetables, supplemented by vanilla. If interested, the family members will teach you how to farm matoke, processing a coffee drink from the farm, making banana wine and vanilla farming. You will also be able to take a gift of any of these products if you have some space.

Guests testing our enjoying banana wine

Rwenzori homestay is located next to the community visitor’s centre. At this centre, you have an opportunity to do so much mixing with the local people. They have a gift shop, bar, local food restaurant, and in the evenings, you can join the cultural event displaying Bakonzo traditional music and dance and instruments.

While you stay, the host at the Homestay can organize different community excursions. These include; the community forest walk, the Ruboni Community hill trek, the village cultural walk and the hot springs walk where you can soak during the quiet evenings by the side of river Mubuku as you gaze the night sky.

Just so you know, “night-life” in Ruboni village can be hot. Especially over the weekends, a local club is always open up to past midnight. You may choose to go and have a modern dance with the local folks as you sip a Nile beer. A few minutes in the local club will enrich your knowledge about this village and you will retire to a relaxing stress free night sleep.

How to get to Rwenzori homestay and modes of payment may be the next questions in your mind now. The Homestay is located 26km from Kasese town. From Kasese town, drive 10km on Fort Portal road and branch off left at Nkenda Electric terminal. From Nkenda, you will drive 17km west, towards the national park gate. Our reception is at the community visitor centre. Alternatively, you can put Rwenzori Homestay in Google maps and follow the directions.

The payments are flexible. You can either pay by cash or by credit card. In case you want to deposit before arrival (encouraged) you can contact us and we send you an online link that will enable you to pay remotely.