Rigorous child education structure in Uganda

As you head to start supporting the Ruboni child education project, you may need further understanding of how education in Uganda works. Uganda having been colonized by the British, we adopted their education system, only to add on more two years that bring secondary school to six years.

At what age does child education start in Uganda?

In Uganda, children start the lower primary at 3 years. this is when they join Baby class. However, in the Rural country like Ruboni, children may start school a lot later at an older age. Some kids may start earlier at 2 year and this is in the day care centers. Day care centers are never counted as part of the school system.

The four levels of Uganda education system

Ugandan education is in four main levels;

  • Lower primary school (3 years) ,
  • Upper primary school (7 years) ,
  • Secondary school (6 years) and
  • Tertiary school (2-3 years).
Child education

This gives a total of 19 years of education for every child, to complete education. However, the table bellow leaves out the years spent in Primary school since it is not on the focal areas of this proposal of the Child sponsorship project.

Note: The 10 years of primary not in the table Key: S – Secondary, CER – Certificate, DEP – Diploma, DEG – Degree.

What determines the choice direction to be taken

Choice of course level to take depends on a few considerations;

  • Finance availability
  • Academic performance (talent)
  • A child’s interest.

The interest of the child sponsorship project is to increase children employ ability by achieving one of the three academic levels. The project work is to bring them to the level of their choice.

There are three levels a child can graduate and get employed. These are; at certificate level, diploma level or degree level. As you may know that career is always better at the top, the degree level is always the best, followed by the diploma level and then the certificate level as the lowest.

For how long can sponsorship be given

However, in the education journey, the child can choose to use the lowest qualification as a stepping stone to lead higher in their career, based on the three reasons given above. Therefore the program will ensure to bring them to that point. Some sponsors may wish to continue and bring them to a little higher level of education than their choice. This can be arranged after achieving the first target level after considering the three key factors mentioned earlier.

Child education that is preferred in Uganda

In Uganda, science education is currently being preferred by the government, the schools and children. No wonder most children will focus on achieving these science course such as engineering, doctor, chemists, etc. in the program, we promote all education (science and arts) considering the child’s choice.

Most courses commonly chosen by our beneficiary children have the three levels of certificate, diploma and degree. For this reason, the program supports children at any of the three levels.

How we choose where the child will go

Every beginning and end of the term, we hold children parents meetings.during these meetings, teachers discuss with the children to find out what they want to do or proceed to. It is during these discussions and guidance that we identify where kids want to go and therefore prepare the invoices to the sponsors.

How payments are done by sponsors

Sponsors can choose different ways of payment between credit card payment, wire transfer or swift transfer to the Ugandan bank account. Other sponsors who want to pay tax free can pay through our partner support organization in Germany. If you’re interested in this option, you can read more here, and possibly contact them for further information.

You can contact Ruboni village directly to get the payment information or an invoice based on your amount of payment.