Ruboni Community Visitor Center is a local tourist spot at the entrance to Nyakalengijoa central circuit gate of Rwenzori mountains National park. All tourism activities in Ruboni village are sold here. We also provide information about the different tourism activities in the Rwenzori mountains.
From just visiting the Ruboni area, to doing village tours or trekking to the High peaks of Rwenzori mountains on a multiday trek, the Centre is your one-stop point where you will get support. We provide information, do reservations, organize treks and receive payments. At the center, we have local guides that take you across the village on the many activities that are listed below;

- Accommodation: Until now, Ruboni village has six lodges that accommodate tourists. All these lodges can be booked at the Centre.
- Village tours: Up to ten village tours and cultural experiences are offered in Ruboni village. All their information is available at the Centre. These activities include the village walk, forest walk looking for chameleons, the hill climb trek, the coffee-making experience, and others.
- Rwenzori trekking: Rwenzori trekking is organized through the central circuit trail. The available treks range from a one-day nature walk to multiday treks that take the guests on a 3-days Mahoma trail, the 6 days central circuit, or the 8 days margarita peak trek.
- Giftshop: we have a gift shop stocked with a variety of locally made crafts. Here you will get perfect souvenirs for your trip that are representative of Rwenzori. The gifts are a perfect match for the Rwenzori experience. They are made of local fibers, wood, textiles, and different crop remnant material.
- Meals: We sell local foods cooked with fresh local ingredients. It is the place to find local cuisine. Guests who want special meals can order a little in advance. The meals served are commonly lunch and dinner. Breakfast, supper, or any special meals are served on order.
- Bar: Our local bar sells a large variety of hard and soft drinks. sodas, bears, energy drinks, and Locally made Banana wines. It is a place to socialize during your stay, before or after trekking the Rwenzori mountains.
- Cultural events: The center organizes scheduled cultural events every evening. These include music, dance, and drama in the songs, cultural instruments, and drumming workshops. Besides, these cultural events can be offered at any time, on order.

This Community visitor center is a social enterprise that aims to empower the local people by acting as the sales house for the local tourism services and products for the local community. It aims a boost the local economy through support for training, enterprise development, production capacity building, and marketing of the local goods and services to both the locals and tourists.
The center also provides support to the community on tourism product development, marketing, capacity building, and networking.