Did you find the Rwenzori trekking rates anywhere yet? If you’re looking on trekking the Rwenzori mountains, it is important to know the trails and current rates of each trail package. Rwenzori trekking is provided by different operators on the different trials. It is the same mountain with different experiences, basing on the provider you get and the price you pay. Make sure you’re not the one who will get the lowest experience even after you have paid the highest price. Rwenzori trekking is a life time experience that can sometimes be very pricey basing on ones travel budget. we make sure you get the value for your energy, time and money by bring you the cheapest price offers on each of the trail that give you the best of Rwenzori. We make sure that you pay the lowest and yet get the highest value.
These are rates for trekking Rwenzori mountains. Take the time to compare the rates of all trails on Rwenzori from the different providers. We take you to the trail of your choice and make sure that you get what you pay for. We have two options of accommodation; huts and camping. Though staying in tents is a better experience, you pay less for it. Camping in the Rwenzori jungle is very competitive since only a limited number of people can be allowed to take this unique experience in each camp per day. with us on this tour, you’re the lucky one taking the best of Rwenzori for less.
Product/ trail/ route: Huts camping
Nyakalengijo central circuit trail:
- Seven days central circuit trail 1220$ 910$
- Eight days magarits peak trekking 1360$ 1360$
- Three days mahoma trail loop not available yet 420$
- Five days Weismann peak 900$ 750$
- Three days john matte trek 510$ 400$
Kilembe trail:
- Eight days trek Margarita peak 1480$ not available yet
- Seven days trek to margarita peak 1445$ not available yet
- Seven days trekto mt baker 4,842m. 1345$ not available yet
- Five days trekto Weismann peak 4,620m. 935$ not available yet
- Four-day trekto mutinda lookout at 3,975m. 750$ not available yet
- Three-days trek to kalalama at 3,147m. 455$ not available yet
- Two-days trekto the forests 270$ not available yet
- One-day’s trek(forest walk) 75$ not available yet
Bukurungu trail:
- Six days Bukurungu trek not available yet 750$
- Seven days on Bukurungu trek not available yet 980$
- Eight days margarita peak trek not available yet 1592$
Be aware about the management fees:
Though we do all the arrangement, reservation and all preparations you need to trek the Rwenzoris, we guarantee that we don’t charge you any management or agent commission fees. This is a “pay-and-trek-happily”, offer that you will not find anywhere else. On request, we will share what is included and what is not included to the potential buyers. This is the time you will prove that this is not an offer you should just let go. If you find it cheaper anywhere, we refund 100% of the payment. a packing list will be shared at last after agreeing on the package you take, to ensure that you have the right requirements on this memorable trek.
Your trek is ready set with us and we are just waiting your call. Make your choice and leave the rest to us. This way you will never forget your Rwenzori trekking experience. Before assigning us, you can compare these prices and ensure that you’re not paying more than any provider but at least we guarantee that in some cases you will be paying less.
Please contact us!!