A trip that takes you across Uganda’s nature, culture and landscapes. From the central Uganda Lake Victoria basin, to the rift valley and southwestern Kigazi highlands leading to the land of a thousand hills. For eight days, from Kampala, Uganda’s capital to Ginseng-Rwanda, this trip reaches four national parks of Uganda and a cross section of cultural communities around Uganda. in a good detail, the trip brings you to explore Rwenzori mountains for 3/4 days up to 3962m. above sea level and then tracking the mountain Gorillas in Bwindi forest. on your way, you will pass through Kibale National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park and Echuya Forest. The Trip ends in Gisenyi, near lake Kivu, northern Rwanda.

Price: Starts from 2500$ with two people going

Package price includes:

Package excludes;

From Murchison falls with the lowest point in Uganda, through the Rwenzori mountains with the highest point on margarita peak to the mountain gorillas we bring you to Lake Bunyonyi for a relaxing moment in one of Ugandas most scenic and diverse lake ecosystem surrounded by culture.

This trip package gives the most rewarding experience of Uganda, cutting across Ugandas cultures, landscapes and wildlife habitats. The trip starts in Entebbe taking guests through Kampala to three National Parks over 13 days.

The parks visited on this trip include Murchison falls National Park to experience the wonders of the Nile river falls and rapids, Rwenzori Mountains National park to climb the highest peak in Uganda, with permanent snow at the equator, and Bwindi gorilla National park to see the Mountain gorillas in their natural habitat.

Package price includes:

Package excludes;

Based on your plan, you may want to take part of the trip. Please choose your preference here; Rwenzori trekking (7 days) or Gorilla tracking (3 days) or Murchison falls safari experience (3 days).

Bukurungu trail is the newest and pristine Rwenzori trek trail. The trail offers a cross section of Rwenzori views and scenarios from the north to the central highest peaks. The trail is mainly wilderness camping with established campgrounds in the popular mountains of the moon. The trail mainly takes guests through all the five vegetation zones of Rwenzori Mountains that offer the most memorable Uganda mountain expedition.

Bukurungu trail that feeds into the central circuit trail is a typical adventure travel. The central circuit trail is where the snow caped peaks are accessed. At three camps on this trail, shelters have been established where you pitch tour tent while at other three camps you pitch a tent on the open ground as you take mountain views and enjoy the Uganda alpine landscape.

Rwenzori trek

Bukurungu is a darling of the people who want to trek Rwenzori mountains off the beaten path while they immerse in the mountain biodiversity of Uganda and one of Africa unique habitat that exists on Rwenzori Mountains.

Package price for this Rwenzori trek includes:

Package excludes;


On the three days- two nights trek, you will be trekking in the wilderness with an abundance of nature, and some points with mind-blowing mountain scenery. This trail is suitable for those who want to experience the Rwenzori Mountains without trekking the high peaks on a landscape offering the best mountain biodiversity in Uganda.

With an experienced guide, a team of porters, and a private chef, this Mahoma trail trek takes you to traverse the foot slopes of the famous Mountains of the moon. Packed with great mountain flora and fauna, the trail goes on a 28km distance, past Lake Mahoma as your camping site for the last night.

Mahoma trail trek

Lake Mahoma is made up of the water that comes from the Rwenzori glaciers. The lake rewards you with one of the most scenic views with a beautiful mountain backdrop. As you arrive here, relax or take short wilderness walks to take the mountain views in different directions over the lake.

Wildlife on the mahoma trail trek

Rwenzori is home to around 217 bird species and 70 mammal species. You will be privileged to explore these and many more during this Rwenzori trekking trip. The common site is the unique scenery and the unique plants in a rich mountain biodiversity. Other wildlife encounters that you can find based on luck include; the three-horned chameleons, the Rwenzori Turaco, and other wildlife endemic to these mountains.

On this trip, guests are required to make their way to the base camp by themselves early morning or the day before the trek. However, pickup or transfers can be arranged on request. Since this trip is counted from the base camp, all prices are fixed per person since they are only direct costs. However, special discount considerations can be offered to groups, upon request.

Price per person:



Booking Code: UG trip-21


Are you looking for a unique trek in Uganda? Trekking Mount Elgon has never been easier. This 3-4 days trek takes you from Sipi at 1708meters to Wagagai, the highest peak of Mount Elgon standing at 4321 meters. It is a cross-border habitat between Kenya and Uganda covering a size of 1279 square km. Elgon is a unique volcano that is known to be the oldest extinct volcano in East Africa at 24 million years of age. You will have a chance to be in this unique habitat, explore the volcanic caves and wildlife. You will be amazed at the top with a massive caldera. This caldera is the largest in the world. The mountain boasts of up to 300 bird species and 24 mammal species with 12 endemics.

trekking mount elgon

Mount Elgon is one of Uganda’s ten national parks. it is number four highest peak in east Africa and number eight on the African continent. this mountain is far less crowded than Kilimanjaro, though they are both volcanic mountains, making an ideal trek for people who want to go to less visited mountains.

Trekking mount Elgon Price per person:



Upgrade available on demand:

Booking Code: UG trip-09


A trip to the legendary Mountains in tropical Africa brings you to the highest point in Uganda at 5.109 m. above sea level.  It is the next challenge to every adventure seeker that is none comparable to any Mountain in Africa. Throughout the five vegetation zones that the trek takes you through, the list of 70 mammals and 217 bird species gives high chances of spotting a number as you trek. It is a complete beauty all the way from the communities and the foothills to the peak. You will be entering through the local subsistence farming plots mixed with traditional homesteads in the peripheries of the forest. At a higher altitude, the scenery is great. The extensive bogs and ridges, the glacier valleys, the glacial rivers with glittering falls, rapids, and unique flowers and colorful birds, some of which are endemic to Rwenzori.

Price per person:

Trip includes:

Trip excludes:

Upgrade available on demand:

Booking Code: UGtrip-6


On the only secrete trail of Rwenzori, you will be guided by the indigenous people as they share with you their secret of living in the mountains. You will be rewarded with some of the best scenery, lush vegetation, and the maximum calm enabling you to absorb nature in the most untouched mountain habitat. On the trek, you may spot animals including primates, rock hyrax, antelopes, and a good variety of unique colorful birds. In total, Rwenzori has a total of 70 mammals and 217 bird species. This and more, qualify Rwenzori to be both a world heritage site and Ramsar site.

Price per person:

Trip includes:


Upgrade available on-demand:

Booking Code: UGtrip-7


It is a trek in the pristine jungle of Rwenzori that brings you to the lower peaks. Starting at 1640 to 3781 meters, leading to Kameli peak. Besides the great scenery, you will enjoy the wildlife. Common wildlife on the trail include the Antelopes, a variety of monkeys and chimps, rock hyrax, elephants are among the 70 mammal species and Rwenzori turaco, Ruwenzori White-starred Bush Robin, Mountain Sooty Boubou, Red-throated Alethe and more are among the 217 bird species on the Rwenzori mountains. On a wilderness trail, you will go camping in the unspoiled jungle with the local community members of the Rwenzori indigenous tribe as they show you the Rwenzori Mountains.

Price per person:



Upgrade available on-demand:

Booking Code: UGtrip-8


Meet face to face with the golden monkey in the bamboo forest and trek the highest of the three volcanoes to enable you view Uganda, Rwanda and Congo at the same time. Mgahinga volcanos are part of th great virumnga ranges, shared between the three countires; Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. These three standing volcanoes are also home to one mountain gorilla group and the golden monkeys. The volcanoes have a unique habitat

Price per person



Upgrade available on demand:

Booking Code: UGtrip-16


This 3-4 days trek takes you from Sipi at 1708 meters to Wagagai, the highest peak of Mount Elgon standing at 4321 meters above sea level on the oldest extinct volcano in East Africa at 24 million years of age. You will explore the mountain terrain to enjoy expanses of unique vegetation, breathtaking scenery, and caves. A common site is the lobelia Elgonensis, the everlasting flowers, and many other eye-catching flowers. Spot the colorful bird and insects unique to this habitat. In the forest zone, you may find some primates. Sitting on top of the mountain you will be rewarded with the view of the world’s largest and intact caldera. The trip takes four days of trekking plus the two days of transferring to and from the base camp. It is a camping trip and guests can choose to come with their own camping gear though we provide it within the price.

Price per person. 



Upgrade available on demand: