Volunteers placements open in Uganda – 2022/ 2023


If you’re looking to participate in changing the world or someone’s life, complete your study thesis, and share your experience, here is an opportunity to travel differently as you seek your goal. 

You have an opportunity to stay and work with local communities in Uganda. The placements are commonly located next to the National Parks and wildlife reserves offering one of Uganda’s most commendable beauties and landscapes.  During the placement time, you will have an opportunity to take days off to enjoy sightseeing, wildlife safaris and community encounters, using your residence as the base. If this sounds interesting or closer to your dreams, take the time to volunteer with us.

 Space is available for volunteers and interns in Uganda. We will place interested volunteers in our community projects around the country.

Our projects implement activities in rural Uganda, in areas of;

Choose your theme of interest and apply today. We have available slots for the following time table;

20th Apr.  – 25th Jul. 2022Three MonthsTen volunteerssubject to availability
20th Jul. – 25th Oct. 2022Three monthsTen volunteerssubject to availability
20th Oct. – 25th Jan. 2022Three monthsTen volunteerssubject to availability
20th Jan – 2th April 2023Three monthsTen volunteerssubject to availability
20th Apr.  – 25th Jul. 2023Three monthsTen volunteerssubject to availability
20th Jul. – 25th Oct. 2023Three monthsTen volunteerssubject to availability

Please note:

  • Volunteers will have the opportunity to take multiple tenures. This however must be communicated at the initial application date and will be approved subject to availability.
  • Volunteers will be placed in pairs. However, fewer or more volunteers can be placed in one place on request.

Contact us today:

Rainforest and Community Tours (RFCT)

Nyakalengijo Cell, Ibanda-Kyanya town Council

P. O. Box 320 Kasese

Western Uganda

Tel: +256 706581477

Whatsapp: +256 752503445


Website: www.theugandatrips.com

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