These are the tourism offices found in Ruboni village. They are the places to go if you need tourism information or want to make reservation of any of the tourism activities in this village.
Ruboni Community Visitors Centre:
- Information: Located 24km from Kasese town, Specious event grounds, tourism information, sale of community tours, Rwenzori trekking tours, gift shop, restaurant and bar, WiFi, accessible by road, accepts credit card, village bank, serene meeting space.
- Description: Ruboni Community Visitors Centre is a one-stop Centre for all tourism needs in Ruboni tourism village and Rwenzori Mountains. With an information and tours office, the visitor Centre is a sales point for accommodation, community experiences, guided tours and Rwenzori trekking experiences and access to all the 15 Ruboni village guided tours and cultural experiences.
- Opening hours: Open Monday to Sunday – 8:00-10:00pm.
- Contact Details: Tel: Tel: +256752503445.

Rwenzori mountaineering services:
- Information: Located 24km from Kasese town, tourism information Centre, accessible by road,
- Description: The base camp where Treks to Rwenzori mountains start, going to the central circuit trail of Rwenzori Mountains National Park. it is here that one can do the Rwenzori trekking to margarita peak. Rwenzori mountaineering services (RMS) also Houses Rwenzori Mountains National park Cash office where park entrance fees can be paid.
- Opening hours: Open Monday to Sunday – office hours,
- Contact Details: Here
Rwenzori Coffee House:
- Information: Stopover, cash only, accessible by road, suitable for small meetings and events, open 7:00 am to 6:00pm, no booking required,
- Key highlights: Coffee tour experience, Rwenzori mountain views, bar services, tour to the Ssebwe waterfalls inside the park, access to all the 12 Ruboni village guided tours and cultural experiences.
- Description: A social enterprise owned and run by the community to support the rural farmers in the coffee value chain. The community guide, who is also a coffee farmer, will take you through the process of farming, harvesting and processing coffee. End the tour with a fresh cup of coffee which can also be made by you during the tour.
- Opening hours: Open Monday to Sunday – office ours,
- Contact Details: Here

Rwenzori Mountains National Park tourism offices:
- Information: The base office for all policy, administration, law enforcement and conservation works of Uganda Wildlife Authority in Rwenzori Mountains National Park.
- Key highlights: providing information, patrols, ranger and other staff quarters, stakeholder and tourist meetings
- Description: Located in Rwakingi village. The UWA/ Rwenzori Mountains National Park headquarter is the destination office of Uganda Wildlife Authority. All conservation, stakeholder engagement, planning, and implementation, conservation and tourism, security policy support is provided to all tourism stakeholders through this office. Rwenzori Mountains National Park office also has Mihunga Park gate to the Central circuit gate of Rwenzori Mountains National Park, where you can do a Two days, Nyabithaba Camp/ Lake Mahoma overnight Rwenzori trek.
- Opening hours: Open Monday to Friday – office ours,
- Contact Details: here
Location of Ruboni Tourism village and how to get there:
Ruboni Tourism Village is located in the Rwenzori Mountains foothills, Kasese District, Western Uganda. In other words, it is located within the Albertine Rift valley.
The tourism village entrance is on Kasese fort portal Road. You drive 17km on Nyakalengijo road up to Rwenzori Mountains National Park gate.
Ruboni tourism village may also be referred to in different names. since it is on the north ans south of River Mubuku, this village is also called Mubuku valley or the Rwenzori gateway as it is the gateway to Rwenzori mountains national park central circuit gate of Mihunga.
To access or travel to Ruboni Tourism village, you will either be coming from Kasese (south) or fort portal town (north). the directions bellow will depend on where you’re coming from.
- From Kasese town, drive for 10km north on Kasese – fort portal road. When you reach at Nkenda Electric terminal (Kisanyarazi) looking at the key landmark of many metallic electric poles, turn left and drive on marrum road.
- From fort portal, you will drive for 8km from Hima town. Just after crossing River Mubuku, you will branch off right at Nkenda Electric terminal (Kisanyarazi) looking at the key landmark of many metallic electric poles.
From the branch off, you will drive to your hotel / accommodation or destination in Ruboni Tourism village. remember, it starts from the main road up to the park gate, 17km west. for more direction, please contact your hotel, tour organizer or us through this website.