Here is is the best camping ground at Ruboni tourism village that will answer close to all your camping needs. In most cases, campers will look for the following qualities on their campgrounds;
- Great views
- Safe and secure property
- Flat enough with space to keep property
- Affordable
- Easy to buy food, drinks and snacks
- A clean toilet and shower (bathroom)
- Lots of activities do during the days
- Options of buying gifts
- An opportunity of meeting the local people to learn the local way of life
- No park entrance fees required
the location of the community visitors centre offers the best mountain views overlooking the portal peaks. the portal peaks covers the forefront of the Rwenzori high peaks. the ground is fenced with hedges offering the required privacy. within the campground, you have a kitchen and restaurant and bar that offers local meals and selected snacks.
A section of the campground

If you’re looking to camp somewhere in the Rwenzori Mountains foothills, and looking for the above qualities in your campground, you will better stay at the Ruboni Community visitors centre. It is all easy! Contact us through several ways; Whatsapp/ call: +256780278010, google maps, or email:
Ruboni Community visitor Centre is located in Ruboni village, Nyakalengijo trading center within Ibanda-Kyanya town council. It is 24km from Kasese town. From Kasese town, you branch off left at 10km on Kasese fort portal road. The main landmark here at the branch-off is the Nkenda electric terminal. You will then drive 14km on the dirt road towards the park gate. You will find our sign on the left with an old house having a mural on the front wall.
Traditional dances offered at the camping ground at Ruboni

At the visitor’s centre campground, the prices are very low but the standard is a lot higher than some room accommodations in the area. In case you don’t have your own tent and other camping gear, he cam has them available for hire onsite. You just need to book them in advance and you will be required to pay a little extra for them. The campground is surrounded by the Rwenzori foothills. It has a bar, kitchen and gift shop, making it easy to buy everything you like during your stay.
For those who want to do their own cooking, we have a community food stall where you can buy the different vegetables, fruits and foods to do a good cooking. In the neighboring villages or in the shop onsite, you can buy other local produce ready to use such as drinking coffee, honey, vanilla pods, and banana wine. All these are made locally by the farmers that you can visit to get the local experience of producing these items.
A restaurant onsite within the campground

At the community visitor center, the locals perform cultural dances on certain evenings (between 17:00 and 19:00). This has turned out to be a good evening entertainment for most guests who stay here. You can choose to participate at a small fee.
And for those who want to get information, the visitor center is a perfect base for exploring the entire village and region. We have a tourist notice board that has information that is helpful for planning further travels. We also have staff that is experienced to put together tours of the whole region or country. These staff will provide you information on how to travel to other communities and parks around Uganda.
Now you may be wondering how to book and or pay for the stay. It is all easy! Contact us through several ways; Whatsapp/ call: +256780278010, google maps, or email: Payment can either be by cash or credit card.