Located in the intriguing mountainous landscapes of Uganda, Ruboni tourism village is the perfect base and gateway for all people who want to do Rwenzori climbing.
The village is located on the trailhead to the oldest and most interesting mountain trail on the Rwenzori Mountains. Ibanda central circuit trail also provides the easiest access to the high peaks for those who have Rwenzori trekking on their activity list.
A four days trek brings climbers to Margarita peak, the highest point in Uganda at 5019 meter above sea level. This same trail also offers great opportunities for shorter non technical treks on the mountains and foothills of Rwenzori.
The local community has created a range of service points that provide support to all sorts of interested climbers and mountaineers who chose Ruboni village as their base. The involvement of the local community in this mountaineering service chain of Rwenzori has greatly transformed the trekking experience on the Rwenzoris.

List of Rwenzori climbing activities and services
These are the mountaineering service you will find in Ruboni village. you can also view the interactive map of Ruboni village to get more info on the facilities and services that are available for you during your Rwenzori trek
- Equipment hire stores: guest can find mountain climbing and camping equipment for hire in the different stores within the village. These stores are run by guides, porters or residents of Ruboni village. you can check the packing list for Rwenzori to see what you may need to hire.
- Accommodation and meals services: Ruboni is a complete destination with up to ten lodges and accommodations, restaurants and bars with over 100 rooms open for tourists daily.
- Porters and guides: The local community members provide guiding and porter services for tourists to the Mountains or foothills trails.
- Information points: Rwenzori Mountains National park and Ruboni Community Visitor Centre have tourist information points open to provide information about the area. Besides all other tourism offices, locals and hotels provide the tourist information or referrals on request.
- Tourism offices: to-date, guests can find several tourism offices in Ruboni village dealing with tourism related businesses. The community visitors centre also sales Local goods and gifts that give the best memories of Rwenzori and her people.
- Transport hire and transfers: Tourist transportation is provided by the local community members. It is either by boda-boda, public transport or car hire services that are locally available on the road, at the offices or hotels.

- Food stores and markets: it is easy to purchase local fresh and processed food stuff to use during the mountain trek. This is available in the daily open shops or flea markets at the three market Centres or in the evening roadside markets, like one you will find at the community visitors centre.
- Local food points: Considering that some people like to travel on budget or look for local options options, you will find a local food restaurant and bar at The Community Visitor’s centre.
- Medical and first aid centres: The village has a range of health Centres for both trekkers and non trekkers within the distance of 2-8km. The three leading centres are, Rwenzori mountaineering services dispensary, Bugoye health Centre three, and Nyakabugha medical centre. Bigger hospitals are in Kasese town, a distance of 28km from the Base camp.
- Short trails for acclimatization: Before and after trekking the high mountains, guests may like to do short treks to cope with the climate, altitude and local community. this is served by the locally created trails in the foothills outside the park.
We are at your service whenever you need to travel to Rwenzori. Please feel free to contact us today to book or request a mountaineering package or any of the above services.